Main Photo: Intelligent, Respectful, Caring, Trustwort

Age 29 /

How ya doin there? Well I'll start I suppose by introducing myself. Name is Kyull most folks often mention how similar I resemble Jesus so I recently aquired the nickname The Native Jesus and I was born on Dec 25th lol. But anywho If you are trying to meet a stranger whom before you even realize it becomes a best friend and one like you've never had before then shoot me a message or something please I'm the best listener and I've been through some truly traumatic and life changing experiences so I DEFINITELY would be able to genuinely relate/understand anything you may be going through, my loyalty is unimaginable it is the best and worst thing about me honestly but that's plenty for now if you'd be interested in allowing me to have the honor of spending quality time in your presence I'd be more than grateful so just reach out and let me know💜🤍