Photo (2): Let's touch bases. Cheers!!!

Age 42 / New Farm

In case of an emergency, what’s the number for 911?!? On a serious note, here goes...I hail from an exotic land that you may or may not know. Give it your best guess. I’ve lived a crazy yet coloured life, especially during this college years. Been to over 40 countries, that I even know the capitals of Bhutan and Senegal…It’s ‘Thimphu’ and ‘Dakar’ respectively... Moved here in 2020 to pursue a Masters in Business Administration (MBA), which I just completed. Prior to that I was a/an….. (i) a content creator (writer-editor) for various publications, both on and offline (2006 – 2013) * allowed me to work and travel simultaneously. Only needed a laptop and decent internet connection (ii) English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher/tutor in Hanoi, Vietnam (2014 – 2019) My strongest suits are my communication skills and chilled demeanour. Always up for an adventure and new experiences. Ohhh, and I have wicked and at times useless pub trivia knowledge. I'm a former amateur boxer back home, and now I'm trying to enjoy the finer things in life. Love a good drink and great company, which always leads to a fun time. P.S. Fun Fact- When I was a kid, I thought Colonel Sanders was awarded a fried chicken chain for his contributions during some war. I kid you not !!!