Photo (3): Exotic, adventurous, reliable, sexy

Age 29 / Downtown Denver

Generally speaking I'm really very chill with an open minded perspective that can vibe and connect with anyone from any walk of life. I like to be able to relate with whoever it is I am fortunate enough to interact with because the outcome is ALWAYS a positive one. No one is perfect, and that's why you shouldn't hesitate to make contact, because I'll never judge you, and genuinely want to bring unforgettable, wild and fun sensation into your life. The only way I can make that a possibly is if you follow through with meeting up. There is nothing worse then someone who talks you up but can't deliver. Frankly put, please don't waste my time. I'm here for you and your fulfilment and pleasure. If you initiate then follow through. I will every time 100% garunteed.