Photo (6): In the Houston Area

Age 21 / Downtown

Thank you for taking the time to read this! I go by Nick, and I am a 19 year old college student looking to become an escort. I am looking to pay rent, but I am also excited to try new experiences. I am rather green in this line of work, but I am hoping to meet great potential clients. To preface, I am looking to charge $400 per session. I can be a little flexible, but I am hoping for a swift transaction with little haggling. I accept both venmo and cash, whichever is more convenient. I also am expecting some level of professionalism. Protection is a must if needed, and I don't want to have to reiterate my boundaries all too often. I respect anonymity, so feel free to take on an alias or arrange a third party location to meet! If you are to text me, specify you came from MB please, and make it clear what your budget is and what area you want to meet up in. I would like for arrangements to go as smooth as possible. Thank you for your time and consideration, I am truly appreciative.