Photo (6): an angel you can hold IRL

Age 35 / City

Are you searching for an angel you can hold IRL, someone who stands at the portals of your deepest desires? Look no further. I am your oracle, your siren, an infinite fantasy wrapped in the fabric of liminal time, a dream within dreams. I believe in honoring the rivers of connection, sexuality, and intimacy, where they bend, meander, and shift in tempo, pulsating with a divine connection that nourishes us in their waters. Let us flow together, playing, discovering, indulging, and exploring the alchemy of presence, integrating our many selves and secrets into a harmonious whole. I am open to excavating and adorning myriad parts of the self at the sacred altar of our bodies. In service, in worship, in sacred presence with all of you. Plus, my healing hands. Skilled in somatic manual therapy, I am eager to integrate this into our sessions for a deeper, more profound experience. Reach out to me for more details, and let's embark on a journey of exploration and discovery.